Posted by Unknown
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Maybe for most people always wait for holiday in the middle of their busy day in Office,School,Bussiness,etc. and mostly they also hard or puzzled to find wherever they want to go to spend their free time in Holiday.
Nah,,i'm here to give you somewhere you will feel comfort,happy dan free from air pollution. cause here you will get and fresh air and the weather are cool and sometime cold in the night.
So...Let's Check it out.
Located in "Nagari Aie Angek",Jl. Raya Padang Panjang - Bukittinggi Km.6,Sumatera Barat-Indonesia,there's a place we can called "RUMAH PUISI TAUFIK ISMAIL" or
(The House of Poetry-Taufik Ismail)
HOUSE POETRY is an idea from Taufiq Ismail and his wife Ati, grows from the collective experience of a team of editors horizon and friends of Indonesia in the 10 movement program to bring literature to the school, from 1998 to 2008. Train about 2000 thousand teachers in the MMAS program (Reading Writing and Appreciation of Literature) 6 days in 11 cities; with 113 teams and 11 actors go to 213 high school reading literature and also Question-Answer with students and teachers in 164 cities located in 31 provinces in SBSB (Poets Talk student Questioning), distribute the writings of students and teachers in "Kakilangit" for 11 years in Horison literary magazine, published eight anthologies of poetry, short stories, novels and plays as well as fragments of an essay (a total circulation of 37,000 copies, bold 2280 .120 pages) sent to 4,500 public and private high school library (2000-2004), formed 30 studios literature students across Indonesia, and this program has been implemented. The purpose is to increase cultural movement reading books and writing skills.
If all movement emanates from the capital to 164 cities across Indonesia, it became his goal to try to collect these activities at a point location, given the name HOUSE POETRY, without stopping or changing activities that have been held since 1998 to present. With an initial capital of 7000 titles of books, who would be expected to grow steadily.
spend holiday like these not only make we know everything about literature and also we will know how beautiful poetry is.there's also a homestay named "Aia Angek Cottage" so,we can spend someday in this place and enjoy our holiday.So...what are you waiting for ????
let's start to pack and go fly in this place...Happy holiday...:) :)
Coordinate : -0°24'47"N 100°24'23"E
Nearby Cities : Sungai Puar, BALINGKA NAGARI TACINTO, Kanagarian Magek

Judul: "Fun Holiday's with House Poetry in Sumatera-Barat-Indonesian"
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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