The Highest "Ferris Wheel" in Singapore

Posted by Unknown Monday, 18 February 2013 0 comments

Singapore - Travel to Singapore complete with rides to try out the Singapore Flyer. Largest and tallest Ferris wheel in the world to be one of the icons in the land of the Merlion.detiktravel chance to ride the Ferris wheel as high as 165 meters, at the event with Tiger Airways and Fast East Hospitality Singapore Media Tour, Friday (15/02/2013) then. Singapore Flyer is located at a strategic location in Raffles Avenue, Marina Bay.Travelers who want to try this giant Ferris wheel sensation spend for 1 ticket for SGD 33 (IDR 258.000) for adults, and children age 3 to 7 years pegged with tickets costing SGD 21 (IDR 164.000). Quite expensive for a 30-minute turnaround.'Flight' is in operation 14 hours per day starting at 08.30 am and at 10.30 pm local time. Well, after pocketing ticket visitors were herded to the 2nd floor entrance flyer. Examination tight enough visitors using the metal detector.Visitors next walk through the hallway that connects to the capsules. There are 28 capsules masing_masing a capacity of 28 people. Capsules is fully air-conditioned and fitted safety glass from the sun as well as fire extinguishers and 2 LCD.Capsule diameter of 150 meters began to move slowly 0.24 meters / sec. Turnover does not even feel Ferris wheel and make sick during the tour. Even the visitors comfortably walk around inside the capsule. Phobia altitude fade as Singapore pays off with the beautiful panoramic views of the sky from the Marina Bay F1 circuit, to the Esplanade Theatre.Right at the height of 165 meters, the capsule stopped and caught the eye could see as far as Singapore beauty of various beautiful view. The icons in the State's 1001 rules into a mini. Batam and Malaysia are also visible and can be enjoyed from a distance."I'm afraid of heights but when there is the highest peak turns exciting and nice scenery. Not only could see Singapore but we could see Batam and Malaysia though looks small," said one traveler, Eliza, happy.This beautiful scenery attract visitors take pictures. The capsules can also be booked for birthday parties, romantic moments until the wedding. Capsules can be transformed according to taste and the theme of each event.Satisfied is a moment in space, visitors further down and led to a souvenir counter, there is also a restaurant and spa. Singapore Flyer ride into an amazing experience.Are you Interested to try ?

Judul: The Highest "Ferris Wheel" in Singapore
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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