Meteor's Rain In Russia
Friday, 15 February 2013
Moscow - Meteor's rain occur in mountainous regions monitored Urals, Russia. Meteors that enter the Earth's atmosphere on fire and caused a number of explosions in the sky. Even to cause damage on land and cause injuries in the Russian territory.
"A meteorite exploded in the Chelyabinsk region (part of the Urals). Vibrations damaging a window at a number of locations," said a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Emergency, as reported by AFP on Friday (15/02/2013).
"According to preliminary information, a total of 4 people injured by shards of glass," he added.
Eyewitnesses who witnessed the meteor shower was admitted, heard a loud explosion that could create panic to local residents, particularly in the Urals region.
Meanwhile, the office of the Russian Ministry of Emergency give further details. According to them, this meteor shower occurred around 11:00 am local time. Many of People Lives there was panic and call the emergency services. There was even a reported power outages in their area.
"Meterorit destroyed in the sky Urals region, partly burned during entry into Earth's atmosphere. Numerous fragments of meteorite able to reach the earth, then dropped randomly in a sparsely populated area in Chelyabinsk," said the ministry's office.
Judul: Meteor's Rain In Russia
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