Bir Bintang And Heineken will increase productivity
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Manufacturers of alcoholic beverages and the star brand Heineken PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MLBI) continues to expand its production capacity (expansion). The production capacity will be added to the existing plant is in Tangerang, Banten.
President Director MLBI Leonard Evers said it has set aside an investment of 32-33 million euros approximately Rp 430 billion (exchange rate of Rp 13,000) for the period from 2009 until the end in 2013. Investment to support the company's performance.
"We are going to add to the capacity of the production plant in Tangerang, capacity we can not mention but the important quality will be increased," said Leonard after the General Meeting of Shareholders & Public Expose the company, at the Hotel Dharmawangsa, Jakarta, Friday (15/2 / 13).
Currently, he said, the company has had factories in Surabaya, Tangerang, and Sampang Great (Surabaya).
"Development in Tangerang will not affect the license. Adds production capacity we will use the license once the license is still the same no change, from the Ministry of Industry is still much," he said.
He also said, has no plans to build a factory in the East because the current market is still considered good.
Judul: Bir Bintang And Heineken will increase productivity
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