The Mystique "Keris" in Russia

Posted by Unknown Friday, 22 February 2013 0 comments

Moscow - Keris always carry a mystique everywhere. Not least when on display at exhibition in eastern art museum, Moscow, Russia.
In a release submitted to AFP, Secretary III Pensosbud Embassy in Moscow, AN Pratomo said keris is often identified with the Javanese cultural exact palace. Keris is also firmly attached to the memorial service 1 Suro in Java, which is considered a good time to do the washing keris or tosan aji. Full of mystical aroma.
"But the Oriental Art Museum, Moscow successfully brought a hundred dagger collection and various other kinds of traditional weapons Indonesia to be exhibited to the people of Russia," said Pratomo.
Kris exhibition and traditional weapons Indonesia was officially opened by the Director General of the Museum, AV Sedov with Ambassador to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, Djauhari Oratmangun on February 19, 2013 night. There was also attended by Vice Director of the Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw, Joanna Wasilewska.
Collection of weapons on display in the exhibition titled "Magical Weapons of Heaven" is a collection of Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw, Poland. There are about 100an dagger in various sizes from various regions in Indonesia such as keris Java, Bali and Madura. Almost the entire collection of keris is a personal collection of Pacific Asia Museum director Warsaw, Andrzej Wawryzniak archipelago were also very understanding of the mystical element in a keris.
It also displayed dozens of other traditional weapons such as spears archipelago, arrows, knives, machetes, saber, rencong and axes from North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Aceh, Kalimantan, Flores, Sumbawa, and Papua are on display in a glass cabinet meets four rooms Eastern Art Museum. Museum.
Not only traditional weapons, the Pacific Asia Museum of Warsaw also brought traditional crafts such as batik cloth archipelago, traditional clothing, wood carvings, and paintings about the Ramayana and Mahabharata epics that come with the collection on display alongside the main exhibition. Art exhibition Indonesia Asia Pacific Warsaw Museum collection will be held until May 12, 2013.
Djauhari Oratmangun Ambassador in his speech to a large appreciation of the Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw who already collect and maintain weapons and traditional crafts archipelago and the Museum of Oriental Art Moscow to host the exhibition. "Thanks to the Pacific Asia Museum and the Museum of Oriental Art Moscow has provided a home and made an incredible exhibition of traditional Indonesian weapons," the ambassador said.
Keris, according to the Ambassador, is a typical representation of the culture of Indonesia that has been recognized throughout the world. When viewing or studying the dagger, the name Indonesia will certainly participate popular with him. Weapons or unique art can make a nation or a country known to the other.
"Just like Indonesia, Russia and Poland would have a weapon or results that represent a typical culture themselves. I am sure with this exhibition, Russian and Polish citizens can increasingly know the culture of Indonesia and thereby strengthen the relationship between the state, "the ambassador said.
"The display is only a small part of the culture of Indonesia, so if you want to see and know more, come to Indonesia," Mr Law Djauhari Oratmangun a rousing welcome by the audience.
Director of the Museum of Oriental Art Moscow Alexander Sedov said the name Indonesia has long been familiar with Russian citizens. The exhibition can add insight about the culture of the people of Indonesia.
"I believe among the audience that exists today, many know about Indonesia or even frequently to Indonesia," he said. Sedov also expressed his appreciation to the Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw who has brought art collection Indonesia to Moscow.
Meanwhile, Deputy Director of the Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw Joanna Wasilewska thank you for your participation Eastern Art Museum as well as hundreds of visitors who attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition. Joanna Wasilewska also conveyed warm greetings Director Pacific Asia Museum Warsaw who loved art, especially Indonesia dagger.
"About 90 percent of the dagger that is here is his collection he had accumulated over the years," said Joanna Wasilewska.
Wasilewska said that the art of Indonesia that they have quite a lot of numbers and a dagger on display in the exhibition is a small part of their collection.
According to Galina Sorokina, curator of art objects from Southeast Asia Eastern Art Museum, a collection of objects of art and culture of Indonesia is also pretty much owned by the Museum of Eastern Art. Batik collection from various regions in Indonesia such as the hundreds of fruit.
"Hopefully in the spring of next year, we can hold a collection of traditional Indonesian fabrics here", he hoped.
About 200 people attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition, mostly Russian citizens. The exhibition is also enlivened by performances of Balinese dance performed by a citizen of Indonesia. Standing ovation given to the dancers after the show. Visitors can also enjoy typical dishes provided by the Indonesian Embassy in Balinese dance while you watch the show on television.
Judul: The Mystique "Keris" in Russia
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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