The World's largest panoramic photo

Posted by Unknown Thursday, 21 February 2013 0 comments
London - it broke the record as the world's largest panoramic photo. If printed with normal resolution, claimed he could match the height and width of Buckingham Palace.

Photo 360 degree gigapixel is powered 320 and consists of 48,640 frames. Was Jeffrey Martin, Holger Schulze and Tom Mills of 360Cities, company that specializes in panoramic photography who is trusted by the BT Tower perform the task.

The team snapped stunning photos after the Games London 2012 Games was held. With a twisted view of the citizens of London can be seen in a photo taken with a Canon EOS 7D camera 4 lens, the EF 400mm f/2.8 IS II USM and the Extender EF 2x III teleconverter this.

If the process of the image is taken for 3 days from the BT Tower, London, then to process it takes 3 months, quoted from TheNextWeb, Thursday (21/02/2013).

This photo will have a length of 98 meters and 23 meters high if printed in normal resolution, wide alias Buckingham Palace, the explanation can be read on the official website of the BT Tower. Or, according to TheNextWeb, 60,000 times larger than the photos taken by iPhone 4S The photo in question can also be viewed online at the site.

"We ramped up the software and hardware to the extent that they have. Rain, wind and other obstacles should we handle," said Steve Hercher, chairman of 360Cities tell a bit of the story behind the making of the picture.

Judul: The World's largest panoramic photo
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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